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Visualize your onw networks in StarLight

Table of contents

  1. Put your dataset and models to the right folder.
  2. Configure your dataset and models.
  3. Generate necessary information during your pruning or quantization.
  4. (Optional) Compress your network in StarLight using the online mode.
  5. Visualization of network features.

Put your dataset and models to the right folder.

  • Put your dataset in the folder of data/compression/dataset/YOUR_DATASET.
  • Put your original model (without pruning or quantization) in the folder of data/compression/dataset/inputs/YOUR_DATASET-YOUR_MODEL. Note that this model should be named as model.pth, which includes the model structure and the pre-trained weights, and is acquired by saving the entire model using PyTorch.

Configure your dataset and models.

  • In compression_vis/config/global.yaml, according to our provided examples, fill in the following blocks: dataset,model, support_combinations, origin_performance, figures.
  • In compression_vis/config/hyperparameters_setting.yaml, according to our provided examples, fill in the default_setting block with the required hyperparameters (ft_lr, ft_bs, ft_epochs, prune_sparsity, gpus).

Generate necessary information during your pruning or quantization.

  • Before pruning or quantization, add the code below:
    # for pruning or quantization
    if args.write_yaml:
        flops, params, _ = count_flops_params(model, (1, 3, 64, 64), verbose=False)
        _, top1, _, infer_time, _ = validate(model, val_loader, criterion)
        storage = os.path.getsize(args.resume)
        with open(os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'logs.yaml'), 'w') as f:
            yaml_data = {
                'Accuracy': {'baseline': round(top1, 2), 'method': None},
                'FLOPs': {'baseline': round(flops/1e6, 2), 'method': None},
                'Parameters': {'baseline': round(params/1e6, 2), 'method': None},
                'Infer_times': {'baseline': round(infer_time*1e3, 2), 'method': None},
                'Storage': {'baseline': round(storage/1e6, 2), 'method': None},
            yaml.dump(yaml_data, f)
  • After pruning (usually requires fine-tuning) or quantization, add the code below:
    # for pruning: 
    if epoch == args.finetune_epochs - 1:
        if args.write_yaml and not args.no_write_yaml_after_prune:
            storage = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'model_speed_up_finetuned.pth'))
            with open(os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'logs.yaml'), 'w') as f:
                yaml_data = {
                    'Accuracy': {'baseline': yaml_data['Accuracy']['baseline'], 'method': round(top1, 2)},
                    'FLOPs': {'baseline': yaml_data['FLOPs']['baseline'], 'method': round(flops/1e6, 2)},
                    'Parameters': {'baseline': yaml_data['Parameters']['baseline'], 'method': round(params/1e6, 2)},
                    'Infer_times': {'baseline': yaml_data['Infer_times']['baseline'], 'method': round(infer_time*1e3, 2)},
                    'Storage': {'baseline': yaml_data['Storage']['baseline'], 'method': round(storage/1e6, 2)},
                    'Output_file': os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'model_speed_up_finetuned.pth'),
                yaml.dump(yaml_data, f)
    # for quantization:
    if args.write_yaml:
      storage = os.path.getsize(trt_path)
      with open(os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'logs.yaml'), 'w') as f:
          yaml_data = {
              'Accuracy': {'baseline': yaml_data['Accuracy']['baseline'], 'method': round(top1, 2)},
              'FLOPs': {'baseline': yaml_data['FLOPs']['baseline'], 'method': round(flops/1e6, 2)},
              'Parameters': {'baseline': yaml_data['Parameters']['baseline'], 'method': round(params/1e6, 2)},
              'Infer_times': {'baseline': yaml_data['Infer_times']['baseline'], 'method': round(infer_time*1e3, 2)},
              'Storage': {'baseline': yaml_data['Storage']['baseline'], 'method': round(storage/1e6, 2)},
              'Output_file': os.path.join(args.save_dir, '{}_{}.trt'.format(args.model, args.quan_mode)),
          yaml.dump(yaml_data, f)

(Optional) Compress your network in StarLight using the online mode.

  • Create a script in the folder of algorithms/compression/nets/YOUR_MODEL/shell.
  • Define the required hyper-parameters as below:
  • Use the above hyper-parameters to start your pruning or quantization. Please refer to our provided examples in algorithms/compression/nets/ResNet50/shell/ to write your startup command.

Visualization of network features.

  • Add 6 randomly selected pictures to the folder of data/compression/quiver/YOUR_DATASET.
  • Specify the resolution of your inputs in the img_size block of compression_vis/config/global.yaml.
  • Add your entired model namely model.pth to the folder of data/compression/model_vis/YOUR_DATASET-YOUR_MODEL.
  • Add your entired pruned model to the folder of data/compression/model_vis/YOUR_DATASET-YOUR_MODEL, they should be named as online-PRUNER.pth or offline-PRUNER.pth for online and offline mode, respectively.